


The important skills you will need for a job

With fast-changing work requirements, areas, and task dedications, workplaces are constantly circumnavigating and any individual aspiring to be part of any job needs to remain updated. While each job is different, all jobs call for effectiveness, flexibility, creativity, and in business contexts; maximized profits. It is in the fore-mentioned motives that skill sets come to life. Like a prescription given by a doctor to treat a given disease, each job has its own prescriptions and calls for mastery and full exemplification of excellence. There is no doubt that all skills are acquired and thus mastery calls for time and well-founded intentions and dedications from any worker. Nonetheless, there are few important skills that do apply across the majority of jobs/workspaces.

Social skills are of high importance in any given workspace. Given that most jobs call for interactions between the workers and the public, any worker partaking in a particular job needs to develop social skills. This particular skills package encompasses effective communications skills, collaborations, and listening skills. Good communications skills enable the work to not only pass the message clearly thus making the workplace smoother but also ensures maximized operation. Whenever communication is mentioned, many will think of communication as an exchange of words between two people. Listening is an important aspect of communication that is highly disregarded. Great communicators listen more than speaking and are usually attentive to details. Many will let this skill slide away but there is no successful workplace without well-founded communication with listening at the core of its existence.  

As an engine for the car, flexibility is a very crucial aspect/skill that is necessitated by most jobs. With many unpredictable changes, a worker needs to fully embrace, embody and exemplify flexibility in the process of handling tasks. Flexibility remains to be an ability to adapt to changes whilst retaining the performance level. Adaptation without performance isn’t great. Being flexible with getting outside the field of study/ job requirement in getting things nicely done grants undying progress that is to be attained by any workplace. Given that not everybody is flexible nor is everybody willing to embody it, flexibility thus remains as a skill in a world of fast evolvement and unforeseen changes that do happen within the workplaces. It is a skill that is and will become of demand with time as the workspaces continue to change and become more creative. Flexibility cultivates the spirit of exploration and sustained learning within the one who embodies it.

Even though many think they have mastered the skills or to extremes, have it naturally, autodidacticism is a very important skill that needs to be developed by most people. For improved performance in any given job, open-mindedness and curiosity are important and together they make an individual an autodidact. Individuals with this rare skill push beyond their horizons in search of better, do not rely on their bosses for their own growth, and clearly show ownership of their job. Successful application of this skill ensures coordination in the workplace and also ensures improved task handling. It is in owning the job that one can truly find unconditional love for the job and thus true dedication. Individuals who have mastered this skill no longer see their jobs as burdens but rather as opportunities to explore more and achieve uninterrupted growth.

To close up, there are vast skillsets for each specific job, no individual can be a master of each of the skills, a perfect reason for a team. Within a team each person will have mastery of a particular skill and all combined will create a very strong team that is user-centered and success-oriented. Skills are not written on stones, they do change as time continues and the relevance of a skill today does not in any way guarantee its relevance tomorrow. It is in that logic that all workers need to have open minds that seek improvement and always explore ways of doing things better. 


International Journal of School & Educational Psychology. (2020). Development of social skills during middle childhood: Growth trajectories and school-related predictors. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 16 Aug. 2021]. (2021). Top 5 Important Social Skills Employers Want. [online] The Balance Careers. Available at:  [Accessed 16 Aug. 2021]. (2021). 10,000+ Best Skills Photos · 100% Free Download · Pexels Stock Photos. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 16 Aug. 2021].

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