

Who is Clickazi Ltd?

Your Trusted Partner

We are an established E–based company helping active and potential job seekers reach out to potential employers and hiring Managers. This is done at almost zero cost and the shortest span of time We facilitate job seekers through a web-based system to post their profiles and resumes using our portal ( which allows them to not only access a myriad of job opportunities but directly connect with employers and hiring managers.
This portal is envisaged to be a one-stop database for all available skills and competencies in different job categories locally and internationally by attracting all job seekers and non job seekers to post their Cvs on our platform which in turn will facilitate every employer to search and find the desired skills and competences in all job categories whenever they need them.
While removing the burden of job seekers knocking on several doors by creating "One Entry Door" , we also provide an opportunity for people to attract relevant jobs and employers to easily access relevant skills and competences hence everybody’s go-to place

Our Values

Belief: In making employment search an enjoyable experience through innovative and excellent digital solutions. Inclusiveness: We respect people, value diversity and are committed to equality. Participation: We value and recognise the contribution of partners and individuals.

Our Vision

Create employment opportunity for all available skills and competences regionally and globally

Our Mission

Connect available skills and competences to where they are needed most for a more effective, productive and progressive world.

Why Now?

COVID-19 disrupted almost all business operations without exception and left many business owners wondering whether the business environment would ever stabilise again.
Under such conditions of uncertainty, it was necessary to re-imagine of new ways of creating viable networks that would ensure business survival under such disruptions. Many people had lost jobs both in the private and public sectors, yet normal channels of interaction specifically job seeking were most negatively affected.
It was necessary to reset the environment, for job seekers and potential employers so as to provide a channel and a platform that would avail an opportunity for them to easily, and widely access information about available jobs & opportunities and selection criteria:


How It Works

Step by Step guide on how to use this platform


Register Account

Register on the platform and include your profile.


Update Profile

Identify whether you are a jobseeker or an employer


Search dream Job

With many job categories on our platform, we make it easy for you to spot your match


Apply For a Job

Are you looking for a job or are employed and want to attract the right job. Submit your Resume/CV for the desired job or potential desired job

Looking for to Resources?

This portal is envisaged to be a one stop centre for all available jobs locally and internationally by making all employers and potential employers our partners. We therefore remove the burden of jobseekers knocking on several doors by creating "One Entry Door" our platform hence your go-to place
