


How To Plan Your Next Career Move

Whether looking forward to working in a different role in the same field or moving to a completely new field, a career move can be a bit intimidating and without thorough planning, disastrous. It is indisputable that devising for the next move remains a vital key to the success of one’s career maneuvers. Nonetheless, despite the unknowns deriving from a career transition, an opportunity to precondition the future is dependent on the person making the move. Whilst each person has their respective boxes to check before making a move, there remains foundational skills/ process that an individual needs to abide by. Before officiating the move, there are three key things that an individual needs to have in the process of planning for change.

Deep research is important when one plans for the next move. Before embarking on a new path, one needs to fully be aware of the career’s requirements, sacrifices, and outcomes. Many make the choice to move without informed research about the move, an act that has assassinated dreams, joy, impact, and goals within the working spaces. To remain relevant in the move, one needs to be very oriented about the career in order to make rational decisions that will sustain their dreams. Even though much light is shone upon outcomes and requirements for the career/transition, sacrifices are rarely reflected upon. With a move comes sacrifices to make and one needs to weigh the impact/outcome with the things to lose, shall balance miss between the two, an educated reconsideration is a mandate. 

Setting clear goals is a very essential step in moving to a new career. The goals need to be of resonance with your mission and vision and should complement them at all times. Additionally, the goals need to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time Bounded) without smart goals for the transition, the risk of failing to realize one purpose surges. The goals should be in alignment with the foreseen responsibilities whilst remaining considerate of milestones. Breaking down the goals into realistic milestones is of immense help accelerating an individual to goal fulfillment. Therefore,  a successful career move calls for an outstanding goal-setting process that champions the person’s vision and that of the workplace.

Lastly, time is a key requirement when one plans for the next career move. Time affords an individual an opportunity to make unpressurized decisions that are more effective, impactful, and beneficial. Taking less time to plan for the move yields unpreparedness that can give birth to dissatisfaction and disappointment. It is very important to understand that a career move is a process and any process requires adequate time. The longer the time spent in research, reflection, assessment, and practice, the better the outcome and the clearer the path to a new career. Better results are prepared and it is in spending adequate time that an individual gains powerful insights that can then mend the path to a distinguished career path. Adequate time is a requisite for a smooth career move.


Mujeeb Shah (2020). Planning a Career Move? Here Is Your Ultimate Guide to Plan Your Career. [online] Naukri’s Official Blog. Available at: [Accessed 7 Sep. 2021].

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