


Tips on Formal Writing

Formal writing is written for a group of people you don’t know personally. The writer’s respect for the audience is established by using a formal tone, which also shows that the writer is serious about his or her subject. The majority of academic writing is written in a formal tone.

Significance of Formal Writing

  • Creates smooth professional communications among participants/stakeholders
  • Better clarity of work/application.

There are several formal writing works that may include academic documents like reports and research documents, CV and resume, cover letters, email messages, articles, journals, newsletters, and newspapers

Things to consider in any formal writing work

  • Proper Language Use

– Considering proper spellings in the writings, that may include the following differences between formal and informal writing.

Informal:  “bc”                           Informal:  “2nite”

Formal:  “because”                  Formal:  “tonight”

– There should also be a consideration to analyze proper punctuation, for example 

Informal:  “&”

Formal:  “and”

– Avoid the use of colloquial words &Use of full words

Informal:  “fire”                           Informal:  “photo”

Formal:  “dismiss”                      Formal:  “photography”

– Avoid using first and second-person pronouns

Informal:  “You should sleep eight hours each night.”

Formal:  “One should sleep eight hours each night.”

– Avoid coordinating conjunction

Avoid starting a sentence with; Informal:  “but”, “so”

Formal:  “therefore” “thus” “alternatively” “instead” “otherwise” “additionally” “moreover” “nevertheless”  “however.”

– Avoid the use of clichés

You must employ a basic language that all English speakers will comprehend in order to ensure that your writing is professional. As a result, avoid using clichés or phrases that others may not understand. “The calm before the storm.”

  • Do not write as you would speak

To keep a formal tone, cut away words and phrases that aren’t necessary to convey your idea. Avoid terms such as “well,” “like,” “for sure,” “you know,” “OMG” and others.

  • Getting familiar with formal writing

Reading formal writing is one of the finest methods to become acquainted with it. Formal writing can be seen in newspapers, periodicals, corporate reports, and journal articles. They can also aid in the development of your vocabulary.


Exam English Ltd, all rights reserved (2019). Five Things You Need to Know about Writing Articles for exams. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 25 Aug. 2021].

Formal vs. Informal: Best Writing Practices (2020). Formal vs. Informal: Best Writing Practices. [online] University of the People. Available at:  [Accessed 25 Aug. 2021].

‌Klimova, B.F. (2010). Formal written English revisited. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, [online] 3, pp.131–137. Available at:  [Accessed 25 Aug. 2021].

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